Economics, Food, Food Policy, Policy, Politics, Public Health

Crisis Within a Crisis: COVID-19 Leads the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization to Shine a Light on Food in Cities

UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization Calls Food and Hunger a “Crisis Within a Crisis” of COVID-19 Food often suffers from the problem that it can’t get no respect as a public policy issue. But the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization has been quick off the mark to produce a flurry of food-related briefings reminding people that food policy must stay front…

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Economics, Food, Food Policy, Policy, Politics, Public Health

Four ways COVID-19 will change food systems and food security

It’s too early for precise answers to questions about the coronavirus pandemic’s long-term impacts on the ways food is produced, processed, distributed, eaten, recycled and appreciated. But my experience managing food policy issues in Toronto for one of the world’s leading city-based public health departments gives me some searching questions that can help us prepare for possible outcomes. These open…

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Environment, Public Health

Japan’s Earthquake-Tsunami Made Worse by High Risk Technologies Everywhere

Japan’s ordeal upsets and confronts onlookers because of the way tragedies unfolding from the natural disaster of an earthquake and tsunami touched off the unraveling of a more ominous human mistake – construction of a nuclear power plant in a known earthquake zone. Other disasters of recent years – such as tsunamis in Indonesia and Thailand, hurricanes in New Orleans,…

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Food Policy, General, Politics, Public Health

Do Food and Health Policy Have Anything to do with the Arizona Murders?

There’s something a tad self-absorbed about the outpouring of media grief and analysis over a shooting rampage that left six dead in Arizona. Analysis is normally reserved for things that have larger numbers attached to them, like the uneventful and painfully slow death from starvation each day of at least 16,000 children (some reputable agencies put the number at 32,000…

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Economics, Local Food, Public Health

First Lady Obama Will Have Weightier Impact on Health Debates than Hubby

President Barack Obama’s efforts at reforming the U.S. approach to medical care won’t win many imitators in other countries. Indeed, he’s likely to be upstaged in global health debates by First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity. Lady Obama launched a Let’s Move anti-obesity campaign on February 9, and is already catching up with the UK’s naked chef, Jamie…

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