Food, Food Policy, Policy


Politics has changed so much since I grew up that I still have trouble coping with modern conservatives who are usually outraged by the way things are going and are very militant and venomous about the need for abrupt changes. I find today’s radicals equally out of character with my memories. Many old-time Toronto activists seem moderately comfortable about the…

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Food Policy, Policy

Canadian Conservatives Scrapping of Long-Form Census Prevents Food Planning

It’s a pretty strong sign that we live in an information economy and society when the Conservative cancellation of the longform census became one of the hot button political issues of the summer season. I was stupefied when the Harper Conservatives dug in their heels, refusing to budge despite a chorus of harsh criticisms from senior planners, civil servants and…

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Economics, Food Policy, Labour

Labor Day Lesson: Coalition of Immokalee Workers Turn Tables For Migrant Workers

With Labor Day just a few weeks away and badly in need of an event to celebrate, an historic agreement was signed on August 24. Written in legalese, the statement commits Sodexo, a gigantic global food service company employing some 500,000 workers to partner with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a tiny organization of some 4000 members, to respond…

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Economics, Food, Food Policy, Local Food

Agro-Ecology Is the Oldest and Newest Form of Bio-Mimicry: Count the F Words

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and the intricate form of food production practiced by peasants through much of Asia and South America still express that flattery in relation to Nature. In the Global North, all food production except hunting and gathering is commonly referred to as agriculture. But in the Global South, the peasant and Indigenous styles of…

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Food Policy, Speaking

Feast & Famine: Shifting to a Sustainable Food System

The Canadian International Council, Toronto Branch & The Munk School of Global Affairs,University of Toronto present Feast Famine: Shifting to a Sustainable Food System. Featured Panelists:Professor Harriet Friedmann, Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of TorontoRosemary McCarney, President & CEO, Plan CanadaDr. Wayne Roberts, Toronto Food Policy CouncilMargaret Webb, author of Apples to Oysters – A Food Lover’s Tour of Canadian Farms…

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